Day: 19 June 2024

Help Us Hire a New Director of Education

“Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety.” –Proverbs 11:14

The connection of home, school, and parish is what makes Catholic education unique. This connection recognizes that the community matters and that everyone benefits when the community is involved in our schools.

With this in mind, the York ... Continue reading "Help Us Hire a New Director of Education"

Congratulations, St. Veronica Community!

We are thrilled to announce that St. Veronica School has earned the  “Healthy School Ribbon Acknowledgement.” This accolade is a testament to our unwavering commitment to fostering a nurturing environment that supports the physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being of our entire school community.

This achievement would not have been possible without the collective efforts of our dedicated administrators, passionate teachers, supportive families, ... Continue reading "Congratulations, St. Veronica Community!"